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Atrium Health ​Floyd is proud to offer student placement programs for education and training with a rich environment for learning opportunities across the system.

Learn more about:

Clinical Rotation Student Handbook

The clinical rotation student handbook​ is readily available to all students. It serves as a comprehensive resource, providing important information on school policies, academic guidelines and available support services. Make sure to review it regularly to stay informed and make the most of your educational experience.

Download the Clinical Rotation Student Handbook


What Type of Student are You?​​​

There are several kinds of students based on the program you are studying and/or the nature of the experience.​

*All students are required to be registered and compliant in ACEMAPP to receive an ID badge and be on-site at any of our facilities.  

If you are unsure if your school has a current Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement (CEAA), check with your school clinical coordinator.

New, first-time, CEAAs are reviewed for need and accepted on a case-by-case basis.​ CEAAs can take weeks to months to execute. If your rotation needs to happen within six months of your request, we cannot guarantee rotation placement. 

  • Medical and Advanced Practice ​(AP) Students: These students​ are enrolled in schools ​of medicine; physician assistant, nurse practitioner or nurse anesthesia programs; and PharmD schools.
  • Clinical Students: This typically includes nursing, therapy students and other allied health students. These students are in college programs that will have direct contact with patients or visitors. These students will have a college-based instructor who will arrange their clinical experience/rotation ​at Atrium Health Floyd through ACEMAPP.

    Atrium Health Floyd does not provide placements for students attending schools that do not have an active Clinical Education Affiliation Agreement (CEAA) on file or who do not have college-based instructors to make their arrangements. Clinical students are students who are already enrolled in a health care related program that requires a clinical experience/rotation as a requirement for graduation or completion of their academic program.

  • Observation: Observation hours are passive experiences where students simply watch a person perform their job duties. Observation hours are typically required for a medical school application.

    Identification of a qualified person to observe is the responsibility of the student, not the clinical placement coordinator. It is strongly recommended that students who seek an experience at Atrium Health Floyd work through your school to make arrangements.

  • High School Students:​ Atrium Health Floyd welcomes high school students who participate through local high school programs such as College and Career Academies and HOSA. For more information, students and​ parents should contact their school’s work-based learning coordinator.

Identification of a qualified preceptor is the responsibility of the student, not the Clinical Placement Coordinator. It is strongly recommended that students who seek an experience at Atrium Health Floyd work through your school/education provider, to make arrangements.
