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Floyd Expands Childbirth Class Options
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Floyd Expands Childbirth Class Options

Certified childbirth educators and lactation consultants at Floyd Medical Center have developed childbirth classes to help expectant and new parents feel more at ease during labor and delivery and during those first months of being a new parent. 

Classes will help moms and their partners understand what to expect during the last weeks of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Topics also include infant care and infant safety. All childbirth classes include a tour of the Family Birth Center. 

A new Boot Camp for New Dads workshop and a Moms Circle support group also focus on topics pertinent to new parents. 

“Our childbirth classes offer a comprehensive overview of birth essentials to suit different lifestyles and needs,” said Kellie Pearson, Director of Women’s and Children’s Services. “Our expert childbirth educators will guide the family to optimize their birthing experience. Studies show that preparing for childbirth with education reduces stress and, ultimately, promotes a positive childbirth experience.”

Childbirth classes offered include the following:
Prepared for Birth: 8-week Class. Offered in Rome and Cedartown, these 8-week classes are led by a Lamaze-certified instructor. These classes will help you understand what to expect during labor and delivery, and will teach you relaxation techniques and positions for natural childbirth.

Birth Essentials: Saturday Class, Birth Essentials for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing, and Birth Essentials for Teens. This class offers an overview of important childbirth topics including stages of labor, pain management options and the role of the labor partner. 

The Birth Essentials class also offers personalized content to meet the individual needs of teen parents and deaf/hard-of-hearing parents. The Birth Essentials for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing class is led by a Lamaze-certified instructor who is fluent in ASL (American Sign Language). 
During the teen class, a teen mom will share her pregnancy and childbirth story. 

Prepared for Breastfeeding: 2-hour Class. During this class, certified lactation consultants will teach you what to expect with breastfeeding, including techniques for latching and breastfeeding positions, and will discuss how to overcome common breastfeeding challenges. 

Baby Health and Safety Class: 2-hour Class. This class discusses infant safety, including infant CPR, SIDS and proper car seat installation.

Classes for new parents include:
Boot Camp for New Dads
This Saturday morning class is for new dads. The class is taught by experienced dads (and their babies) who share hands-on experience with newborns. New dads will learn baby care basics, how to parent as a team, how to soothe a baby, mom recovery and baby safety. 

Moms Circle
These ongoing groups provide moms with an opportunity to discuss life with a new baby. Groups are open to first-time and experienced moms. A certified Lamaze instructor is available to help direct the conversation. Babies under 12 months are welcome. 

To register or learn more about these classes, visit​ or call 706.509.6548.