Injury at Work
When someone is injured at work, they need care as quickly as possible. However, it is not always easy for managers to know what kind of care is needed.
Working with Advocate Health Solutions from Floyd’s injury response and management program, organizations can be sure employees will receive the most responsive and appropriate care possible, 24/7, without the unnecessary use of ambulances or emergency rooms.
How The Program Works
- Call Atrium Health Floyd when an injury is sustained, unless it is an emergency, which requires a 911 response.
- Atrium Health Floyd works with the organization to determine appropriate response.
- Employee may be treated onsite.
- Employee may be transported to urgent care facility.
- Employee may be transported to emergency care center.
- If appropriate, employee is transported back to work.
Benefits to Employer
- Decrease unnecessary emergency care center costs
- Reduce recordable injury rates
- Reduce lost work time
- Enhanced communication throughout the process
Let us tell you more about Health how Advocate Health Solutions can support organizational goals while improving your employee health. Contact us at
706-509-3470 or
by email.